Caduceus Quest • Video Game • 2022

About Caduceus Quest

Caduceus Quest is an adventure-oriented role-playing game (RPG) that invites players to explore science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. This prototype introduces the player to RPG-style character classes that include doctor, epidemiologist, statistician, and civil engineer. The game's narrative focuses on a medical mystery that the protagonist, Simone, must solve.

The Game Changer Chicago Design Lab team is currently playtesting the prototype and evaluating its effectiveness in promoting STEM education, before moving into a full phase of development. 

Robin’s Role

For Caduceus Quest, I worked as the environmental artist and used storytelling in order to illustrate and bring each location to life. To do this, I researched different small towns and created a backstory for each location that resonated with the characters. After creating the background art, I imported them into Unity where I added and tested all collisions.

I also designed all the menus and UI to be cohesive and also engaging and easy to read.


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